This is my belated blogpost about MBFF: a fabulous week of fashion and catching up with some of my faves in the blogging community.
This year is my first time attending the events and to say I was overwhelmed is a vast understatement.
Between spending hours labouring over what to wear and then actually executing the whole look, fashion week was exhausting in the best sense of the word. The kind of exhausting that makes you feel like you've done something worth doing. The kind of exhausting that allows you to sleep sound at night with the knowledge your day was not wasted.
Here we goooo:
Day One
I met up with the girls at The Fashion Bar before the first show (Myer SS15) on Monday. There were beautiful people everywhere and I decided I needed a drink. In my haste to retrieve my media lanyard I accidentally walked into the shot of Mr Alex Perry. It was only after I heard the photographer mumble "we'll take that one again" before I realised I'd walked straight into the Australian designer's close-up.
Connie:1, Alex Perry: 0
Seafolly's SS15 collection killed it with bold prints and colours.
Myer ambassador Kris Smith lookin' tasty in lilac.
Myer Spring/Summer 2015 Collection
A beautifully structured dress- one of my favourites from the night.
Top & Skirt: Nastygal
Bag: Miss Shop
Choker: Twirly Trinkets
Lipstick: "Wicked" by Lime Crime
Stompers (shoes): Deandri
Day Two
The Emerging Designers Show was a great mix of everything I love about fashion: there was flare, creativity and some downright obscene shit (that I do like).
A Jacksonian Era had models wear very Victoria's Secret-esque wings, which really made the little girl in me squeal YASS.
Model Esha backstage wearing the golden smokey eye makeup for the night.
Kate and I's outfits
I'm wearing:
Dress: Nastygal
Shoes: ASOS
Earrings: Angel Puffs
Lipstick: "Red Velvet" by Lime Crime
Day Three
For me this was Thursday as I didn't attend anything Wednesday: sorry if that has fucked up your sense of continuity. The Fashion In The City Show was on during the day (don't have an ootd for that sozzles) and then two Mercedes Benz Group Shows that night. This day was by far the most exhausting but seeing as it was also my last I wanted to make it a good one. Watch out for the many lookalikes I spotted too!
Spotted: Chuck Bass is dat u?
George Wu killed it.
He skinned every other motherfucker that nite I mean look at that mesh organza I CAN'T DEAL.
Would love to rock the sheer skirt & panties look for a ball sometime.
Slow clap for you Wu.
There was some notable Game of Thrones inspo from the Group Show.
Pictured above: Sansa Stark wearing Chetcuti.
Below: Khal Drogo wearing Urbbana.
It's the topknot.
Prime example of weird funky shit that speaks to my soul.
I don't even know what to call this.
It's like a space cadet's fancy dress.
Keep me guessing Chetcuti.
The Arena
OOTN lookin' like a happy moron
Top: Bardot
Pants: Nastygal (wow I been really repping NG this week)
Shoes: Deandri
Choker: Sad Eyes Apparel
My bag GLOWS
Shot for Cocktail Revolution by Ruby Reginato